A Contemplative Path Through the Crisis​ /

In a Strange Land: The Necessity of Lament with Sarah Bachelard

When the people of Jerusalem were exiled to Babylon in the 6th century BCE, their lament – expressed in psalms of exile – functioned a means of coming to terms with their loss, bewilderment and dispossession. At one level, this agony of the conquered may seem far from our experience. But in another way it is perhaps quite close. Because thanks to the pandemic, we too are living in a kind of exile – as life as we’ve known it slips away. Of course, unlike the Jewish exiles from the 6th century BCE, we’ve not been forced geographically from home.

“…we find ourselves in a strange land. And many of us are feeling profoundly dislocated and unsettled…”

In fact, many of us are more confined to home than we’ve ever been. Even so, we find ourselves in a strange land. And many of us are feeling profoundly dislocated and unsettled, bereft of a way of life. Like those ancient Jewish exiles, we don’t know when things will return to the way they were. We have to find a way of coming to terms with what has befallen us and what it could mean for our future. We are discovering the necessity of lament.

The destruction of Jerusalem was a long time coming. Along with the destruction of buildings, families and communal life, came the painful collapse of the communities’ symbolic world. The life people had anticipated to live just disappeared.

“Creating space each day, each week to pay attention to what we’re feeling,

to what we’re missing and

how it’s affecting us.”

We too are displaced in our own way, and maybe it is necessary that we too weep when we face the travail of our world and our her creatures in these difficult days. The work of lament is that it clears space for meditation, for letting go our thoughts and anxieties.

Watch Sarah’s reflection on the significant parallels Jerusalem’s story of exile with what we’re experiencing today with the pandemic crisis here:

About Sarah Bachelard

Sarah Bachelard is a theologian, retreat leader and priest in Anglican Orders. She lives in Canberra in Australia where she has taught in the areas of theology, ethics and spirituality at Charles Sturt University. She is currently director of Benedictus Contemplative Church. She is a member of the WCCM and was a keynote speaker at the John Main Seminar in Montreal in 2007 and at the John Main Seminar 2019 in Vancouver, with the theme “A Contemplative Christianity for our Time”.

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