A Contemplative Path Through the Crisis​ /

There’s More Than Enough Happiness To Go Around

In this Contemplative Path talk, Julia Kim, Programme Director of the Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan, describes her personal journey and the discovery of her true calling and spirit of service.

Julia Kim

After experiencing the dangers of burnout from over-activism she realised the unavoidable need for integration and balance: Understanding the difference between happiness seen as temporary achievement of what we want (hedonia) to its true nature as relational, relating to the needs of others, to our environment and our deeper self.

With insight, humour and a spirit of enquiry Julia describes how central, indeed primary, meditation has become in her life and work. She illustrates how the present global crisis relates to more than the Covid-19 virus but the lessons the pandemic has to teach us are clear and urgent. The idea that happiness is a zero-sum equation (‘if you are happy then you’re taking away some of my happiness’) needs to be jettisoned if we are to be happy ourselves and communicate happiness to others.

Born in Canada, when she qualified as a medical doctor, Julia worked in North America, South Africa and other developing countries. She was struck by the embedded inequality in the developed world where she found people suffering conditions of life and neglect on par with those in the poorest parts of the word. This led her to work for the UN on HIV and child health issues. Encountering the Bhutan project of sustainable development that recognised the goal of happiness as the sensible common purpose of all social planning.

Watch the first and second talk with Laurence Freeman here.

The concept of eudemonia

In this second part of this series, Julia continues on exploring the idea of happiness in its Greek word ‘eudemonia’, that is happiness as a higher purpose of development, not just development for its own sake. This purpose element in the context of eudemonia, or wellbeing, is very important as it connects to the idea of flourishing and meaningful life. “What would be a flourishing life? How can I serve others as a means of helping others?”

One day retreat with Julia Kim

Julia Kim will be leading the one day online retreat ‘The Message of Bhutan for the world today’ streaming from Bonnevaux on 29th August. Please visit the Bonnevaux website for more information and how to register.

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