To reduce stress and loneliness when Young People are isolated at home or in schools only open to the children of key workers, meditation offers an inclusive and immediate solace and inspiration. From our work worldwide we know for certain that children can meditate, that they love it and ask for it. In collaboration with The Catholic Children’s Society in the UK, the WCCM is introducing meditation into primary and secondary schools – with very diverse student backgrounds. More videos will be posted later.
Watch the first video for Primary Schools:

Watch the first video for Secondary Schools:

The pilot scheme is being launched in collaboration with the Catholic Children’s Society in The Dioceses of Westminster, Southwark, and Arundel & Brighton – this pilot covers 600 schools in these three Dioceses – but the videos are also being made available much more widely – to all schools and to all faiths and none.
How many videos are planned?
New videos will be available every week as long as the schools in the UK are closed. Assuming that this will be at least an eight week period – we expect to launch over 30 videos in that period (for Primary schools) and 8 videos (for Secondary schools). These videos will contain an introduction to Christian Meditation, a short talk on various aspects of meditation and an opportunity to share a short period of online meditation.
New videos will be released every week, but the previous videos will be available for the length of the series. Primary schools videos will be released on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Secondary schools videos will be released on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays.
About Us
The World Community for Christian Meditation teaches meditation in the spirit of serving the unity of all and caring for all members of the human family. Meditation provides a contemplative path for life’s journey, especially through the current crisis. To know more visit and
The Catholic Children’s Society supports disadvantaged children and families across London, Hertfordshire and the South East of the UK and is working hard to help vulnerable families affected by the Coronavirus. The Catholic Children’s Society can be found at where you can explore who they are and what they do.
All videos in this series are © The World Community for Christian Meditation